The participation of instrumentalists and their friends in the forty-man strong Oslo Fagottkor – “Oslo’s most ravishing gay choir” – on this disc take the concept well beyond the duo format. The result is richer and more varied than before, ranging from the lively “Møllardottera” (The Miller’s Daughter) via the reflective “Morgondraumar” (Morning Dreams” to the baroque-inspired “Gravferdsmannen” (The Funeral Man). The mix includes explosive blues and soft songs, all part of a varied, captivating record in which each track offers you an intense experience you’ll be longing to try over.

The duo’s previous release had a much darker atmosphere. The attentive listener could count a fatal outcome for eleven people in the lyrics. After the action comes the reaction, which became trillar for to:

“It’s a sort of feel-good folk music disc,” says the duo.

Participating on the recording are:
Jon Anders Halvorsen – vocals
Tore Bruvoll – guitars, banjo, harmonium and vocals
Jorun Marie Kvernberg – fiddle
Sondre Meisfjord – double-bass
Christian Svensson – drums and percussion
Oslo Fagottkor
Og Bruvoll/Halvorsens Kompiskor
Produced by Leiv Solberg