All these 14 songs, crossing between ballads, folk music and country and western, are accompanied by Knut Reiersrud (guitars), Helge Norbakken (drums), Matthias Eick (double bass, trumpet and vibraphone) and Annbjørg Lien (fiddle and Swedish nyckelharpa).

It is easy to notice that this record continues where "Syng meg heim" (Sing me home), Sondre Bratland’s last solo release, left off. On the present record all the texts have been selected from the writings of Olav H. Hauge, whose centenary is being celebrated this year. Olav H. Hauge, from the fjords of western Norway, wrote sparing, existential poetry on life and love, dreams and reality, reaching a large and appreciative audience across Norway.

Sondre Bratland has been writing these songs for the poems of Olav H Hauge for many years. He has also recorded the title song, ”Det er den draumen” (This is the dream we have), in other versions on other records. But most of the songs on the CD are new material that Sondre Bratland has carefully and compassionately shaped over a long period of time.